Deathwing Terminator Bone Armor

Matt Antone

The Deathwing, the First Company of the Dark Angels, are renowned for their distinctive bone-white Terminator armor - a stark contrast to the typical dark green of their chapter. This coloration stems from an ancient tradition dating back to a group of native Deathwing warriors on the planet Plains World, who painted their bodies white as a death ritual before battle. The modern Deathwing exclusively fight in Terminator armor, representing one of the largest permanent Terminator forces in any Space Marine chapter. Their armor is adorned with Dark Angels iconography, including winged swords, hooded figures, and ancient Calibanite symbols. Each suit is a masterwork of ancient technology, maintained with reverence and often bearing battle honors from thousands of years of warfare. The bone-white color scheme serves not just as ceremonial decoration, but as a symbol of their role as the guardians of the Dark Angels' darkest secrets and their status as the elite warriors who hunt the Fallen.